Sharpening Your Strategic Thinking

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Our learning cycle theme for September and October is Leadership and Business Strategy, and within that, our specific topic is Sharpening your Strategic Thinking.  In this learning cycle, we have several tools, classes and resources to help you develop the seven aspects of strategic thinking.



This workbook contains 25 pages, including many fun and useful exercises that help you develop each of the aspects of strategic thinking.  Click the image below to download the workbook.

Companion Video

In the video below, which runs around 15 minutes, Nahid explains how to use the Strategic Thinking workbook.

Related Blog Posts

Blog #1

Rethinking Your Strategy– Nahid has reviewed several current theories about strategy and selected a video from Brigham Young University that describes one of the most useful approaches.

Blog #2

Three Practices to Develop your Strategic Thinking– Organizations value strategic thinking but rarely give people guidance on how to develop it.   This post describes some specific ways that you can train your brain to think more strategically.

Blog #3

Strategy versus Planning– It is important to understand the difference between strategy and planning.  After researching the learning materials online, Nahid has selected a video that explains the difference very well.

Bonus Resources

The following two videos are both under 10 minutes and provide additional insights on thinking more strategically: