Leader as Coach

Leader as Coach

The Leader as Coach program helps leaders build their coaching skills and leadership style so that they can motivate, empower, and inspire their team, even in the most stressful conditions. This is a 2-6 month program that can be taken with a group, customized for your team, or included in a personalized coaching program with Nahid.

This program helps to overcome the following challenges:

  • High turnover within your team or department
  • Disengagement or overwhelming stress among team members
  • Feedback from team members that you don’t know them well or lack concern about their careers
  • The desire to incorporate a higher degree of coaching and mentoring into your leadership style
  • The desire to build a culture of coaching and continuous learning and improvement within your team

Key Program Outcomes

Improved listening and questioning skills

Coaching techniques that guide and empower team members

Leadership skills that focus on teaching and improving performance and engagement

Increased trust with and among team members

Building a culture of growth, engagement, and inspiration

How to Sign Up or Learn More

Contact Nahid directly at 714-931-2133 or Nahid@CoachNahid.com to learn more about this program and schedule a free consultation.

From the Blog

Leader as Coach – Boundaries Review

As a leader with your team, as a parent with your kids, or in any close personal relationship, you will experience periods where you feel drained, anxious, or exhausted when it comes to managing the relationship. Our culture even prizes the notion of being able to handle highly-stressful work settings, treating it like a desirable work skill.

Building a Culture of Engagement

When employees are engaged they get a personal sense of fulfillment from achieving objectives and / or doing their work well. It can be anything from “winning”, to being seen as valuable, to feeling pride in mastering a project or pulling a team together to accomplish something exciting. External incentives and consequences such as: winning...
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