Leadership Presence

Building Leadership Presence

Building Leadership PresenceThe Building Leadership Presence program is ideal for leaders who want to become more compelling and command more respect within their current work environment. This is a 2-6 month program that can be taken with a group, customized for your team, or included in a personalized coaching program with Nahid.

This program addresses the following workplace challenges:

  • A desire to become a more inspirational and effective leader
  • A desire to build your personal brand or continually grow in your career
  • A desire to feel and be more confident and compelling in your role or within your organization

Building Leadership Presence Key Outcomes

High self-awareness and a sense of inner calm

Outward confidence that inspires and attracts others

Understanding of how your inner experience influences your energy

Ability to manage your stress response and how it impacts others

Growth toward positive intelligence and emotional intelligence

How to Sign Up or Learn More

Contact Nahid directly at 714-931-2133 or Nahid@CoachNahid.com to learn more about this program and schedule a free consultation.

From the Blog

Leadership and Parenting: How to Leverage the Similarities to Get Better At Both

You may have noticed how eerily similar the drama at work can mirror family dynamics at home. If so, you aren’t imagining things. We tend to replicate the kinds of relationships we had when we were younger, especially when we are experiencing stress or conflict. So, you may sometimes feel that your direct reports treat […]
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