Tags: Networking for Introverts

Five Forces That Can Freeze Change and How to Overcome Them

For many of us, a new year brings a renewed energy to pursue opportunities, set goals, and create positive change in our lives. We start the year with excitement and drive as we take initial steps toward pursuing these resolutions. All too often, beyond these initial steps lies fear, frustration, or discouragement because stage two […]

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How Strong Boundaries Improve Work Relationships

On the surface, relationship boundaries may not seem immediately relevant in a professional setting. However, a lack of boundaries is behind many common challenges people face at work. Learning what boundaries are and how to set them in your work relationships is a skill that can greatly improve your effectiveness at work, especially if you […]

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Why Introverts Make Great Leaders

One of the common misconceptions in business is that in order to be a great leader you must be charismatic and extroverted. While it is true that charismatic individuals can more easily sway others to their way of thinking, studies show that introverts have several advantages when it comes to leadership:Introverts are Better at Listening: A leader who listens actually hears and considers the ideas of team members instead of overwhelming everyone with his or her own perspective. This leads to better decision making. Just as important, team members feel more relevant and engaged.

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My Job Drains Me, But I’m Afraid to Leave

If you are working in a draining environment, you may be tempted to quit so you have time and energy to move forward. But unfortunately, that extra time will be replaced with panic if you don’t have a source of income to keep you comfortably afloat for at least a year. When I work with people who are panicking about running out of money, it is difficult for them to be confident during interviews, and they tend to take the first opportunity that provides income, whether it’s a good fit or not. Which may put you in a worse position than you were in before.

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